Tanushree Dutta, who disappeared from Bollywood over a decade ago came back with 'mee too'only to call out the people who drove her away from the film industry by sexually harassing her. Tanushree who made shocking revelations a month ago will be lodging an FIR against Vivek Agnihotri this week as her counsel has said that the latter accepted the molestation charges against him. the lawyer as saying that the former Miss India and actress never pressed any charges against Vivek at any press conference and the director himself accepted these claims in a 10-page notice that he sent to Tanushree. In the notice, against all the allegations, he stated, "the director was none other than me." Pinkvilla quoted. Nitin Satpute, Tanushree's lawyer also added that since Vivek has himself accepted his crime, Tanushree will now be filing an FIR against him in the Oshiwara police station requesting the police to press sexual harassment charges against him. Tanushree...
After stirring up the #MeToo storm in Bollywood, actor Tanushree Dutta is now facing the backlash with Rakhi Sawant stepping forward alleging the actor of ‘raping her several times.’ According to a report by Bollywood Hungama, the former Bigg Boss contestant stepped forward holding allegations against the Dhol starlet of sexually assaulting her numerous times. “I am too embarrassed to say this but I was raped twelve years ago. Being a girl, I shouldn’t even use this word (rape). I am ashamed, upset and hurting while telling this story,” she stated. She went on to state: “I want to tell the world that this disgusting incident has taken place with me, not just once but several times. I am afraid to take names because I am getting threats of murder and gang-rape. I have even filed a complaint to the police.” “Tanushree was my best friend. She forced me into drugs. I was naive and innocent,” she added. Speaking about the defamation law suit that was filed against her by Dutta o...