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Showing posts from September, 2017

Bhakti Sharma the one who broke records & stereotypes

My mother is a swimmer. She started teaching me how to swim when I was just two-and-a-half years old. And that’s how it all began,” says open water swimmer Bhakti Sharma, talking about her love for the sea. She born in Mumbai and brought up in Udaipur. She conquered her first open water swim at the age of14. the race being 16 km swim in 2003, starting from Uran Port (Navi Mumbai) to Gateway of India. And she has never looked back since. This must sound real big but here's the other side of the coin brought up by Hero Honda Motocrop. Record Breaking Swimmer Bhakti Sharma on Her Battles, Triumphs and the Olympic Dream. Why do you treat me any unique? Why do I have to get approval for each decision I make? Why does the whole world go bonkers on the off chance that I don't concur with what you say? Because I am a lady? - Says Bhakti Sharma Bhakti Sharma scrutinised all these and numerous more whys. Likely that is the reason she holds the record for being the most youthful ...